
A property with well-lit entrances is a safer property. True we all know and complain at the rising costs of the utilities particularly electricity. However, it is definitely worthwhile spending a few euros in electricity to have better lit entry points to your property. A burglar will be discouraged to hang around your premises and fiddle with doors and locks if these are well lit and he is clearly visible from the street or the neighbours’ windows. Nowadays there are many low voltage energy saving bulbs and lamps to choose from.

It might also be worth investing a few euros more in a motion sensor switch for your night lamps. This will only turn on the lights when a presence is sensed, and will result in lower electricity consumption. The light suddenly coming on will have a desired startling effect on any prowlers.

Always keep in mind that while it’s difficult to protect your property from professional thieves, most home burglaries are done by amateurs. These thieves are more easily thwarted, startled and easily discouraged.