Buying An Intercom

Controlling access to your home or business is a vital security consideration and an intercom provides you with the first line of defence by screening visitors before they are granted access.

However, when choosing an intercom system for your home or business, your first decision should be how many units you require, based on the size of your residence or company’s premises.

Small homes are likely to require a single, centrally installed intercom that is easily accessible from all rooms. Larger homes and business may require multiple units. Although companies may think they only need a single unit by the receptionist’s desk, what if that employee is on leave? Or what if one of the management is working alone, late one evening, and the doorbell rings?

Several units installed around the business premises, enables the company to effectively screen visitors at all times, simultaneously providing security for employees working late.

When looking at the various types of intercom on the market there are some important features to bear in mind before making your decision on which to buy.

If you are going to select a video phone, then understand that, while a black and white model is cheaper, the colour feed provides a more natural picture and makes identification easier.

When buying a video intercom system, make sure that the external camera and speaker box are waterproof. In addition, check if the video and voice functions are separate, so if one breaks down the other will still continue working.

If you have poor lighting outside your property, then either invest in some exterior lights, or select a model that has an infra-red illuminator for the camera, allowing you to get a reasonable picture in the dark.

If you select a voice only model, then you may want to combine this with a spy-hole on your front door. At least you will be able to get a rough idea of who is calling and prevent intruders bluffing their way in.

Whichever intercom system you choose, it is important to ensure that the members of your family, or employees, understand how important it is that this device is used. After all, a security system is only good if it is put in to practice.